ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2024

Edited to add: my first title incorrectly said can-do statements instead of proficiency guidelines! I re-read everything three times except my title! Ugh! The big news on the language teacher front was that ACTFL published their updated can-do statements for 2024! You can find a copy here– and I encourage you to do so! ManyContinue reading “ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2024”

Differentiation by content: World Language Classroom

It has been a joy to work with the GWATFL mentoring program, and it has also been helpful to hear concerns and questions that teachers have. We plan on having a variety of sessions to respond to these questions- and the first theme is differentiation which will happen tonight. I realize that I haven’t writtenContinue reading “Differentiation by content: World Language Classroom”

Bomba Unit

This year, we were exploring Puerto Rico in fifth grade. We decided to teach about bomba during Black History Month- but I needed to know more! I am a part of the absolutely amazing Kia London’s curriculum coaching program: Trailblazers in the World Language Classroom. Each week, we have the opportunity to talk face to face on Zoom. EachContinue reading “Bomba Unit”

Super Bowl Lesson Plans: 2024

Since I am a big fan of the Super Bowl as are many of my students- I always love to do a little lesson about the Super Bowl the Thursday or Friday before the big day! I updated my resources that I blogged about last year: the presentation and the Google Forms. I use the forms toContinue reading “Super Bowl Lesson Plans: 2024”

January Favorites: free conference, music tournaments, lessons and more!

Happy January! Hopefully, you have had some unexpected snow days. The anticipation and then the extra day off is always very exciting. So far in DC, we have had two solid snows which is more than we have seen before. I have been saving a few of my favorite things to share: EdCampCIVa- in Northern Virginia! I have beenContinue reading “January Favorites: free conference, music tournaments, lessons and more!”

Back from break: Horoscopes and plans

Post break plans Happy winter break! Hopefully, you are enjoying good family time and good you time! My hope is that you can save this post knowing that you have your return from break lesson plans set! I really try to move away from discussing students’ winter breaks. While many of my students have good winter breaks (which mayContinue reading “Back from break: Horoscopes and plans”

Community Places: Lessons for Level 1

At times, I realize that I have a full unit that I haven’t shared here! So here is a community unit that I am doing with my fifth graders (novice level). Final project Students will write a suggestion of where to visit in our community to make a recommendation guide for tourists. Can do statementsContinue reading “Community Places: Lessons for Level 1”