May Favorites: Podcasts, AI and more

Happy May! For those of you who are almost done- I am jealous! We continue through mid June. I wanted to pop over to the blog to share a mish mash of ideas and things to get you through May! Podcasts I have found myself on a few longer road trips recently, and I haveContinue reading “May Favorites: Podcasts, AI and more”

January Favorites: free conference, music tournaments, lessons and more!

Happy January! Hopefully, you have had some unexpected snow days. The anticipation and then the extra day off is always very exciting. So far in DC, we have had two solid snows which is more than we have seen before. I have been saving a few of my favorite things to share: EdCampCIVa- in Northern Virginia! I have beenContinue reading “January Favorites: free conference, music tournaments, lessons and more!”

Back from break: Horoscopes and plans

Post break plans Happy winter break! Hopefully, you are enjoying good family time and good you time! My hope is that you can save this post knowing that you have your return from break lesson plans set! I really try to move away from discussing students’ winter breaks. While many of my students have good winter breaks (which mayContinue reading “Back from break: Horoscopes and plans”

September Favorites and Lesson Plans for articles

I hope that you have had a good start to the school year and are starting to fall into a routine. I still cannot believe that I have only been teaching for one full week! But I am appreciating the rhythms of the school year. This fall, I am still preparing for two keynotes: GWATFLContinue reading “September Favorites and Lesson Plans for articles”

My August Favorites and Back to School Help!

My summer follows a typical pattern. I pretty much completely disconnect except for EdCampCIVa. I can almost not think about school even if forced! Then in July, I feel SUPER motivated- and get all the things done, so I can spend August with a mixture of productivity when I am in the mood and aContinue reading “My August Favorites and Back to School Help!”