Brillante Viernes- February 22, 2013

I know- it is currently Sunday.  I had a ton of grading to do, and then I was out-of-town without much internet capability.  However, I always believe in better late than never!  Here are some of my favorite ideas that I have seen around the internet this past week: 1.  Review game: Grungeball!  This gameContinue reading “Brillante Viernes- February 22, 2013”

Brillante Viernes- February 8, 2013

Happy Friday!  This week has been full of special schedules, so everything has seemed a little wacky.  Here are some of my favorite ideas from the internet this week. 1.  I have been using this idea from the beginning of the year.  I love using whiteboards, and I would always have to have a studentContinue reading “Brillante Viernes- February 8, 2013”

Movie Talks

I read about movie talks with Martina Bex. (  I had a “typical” worksheet to watch Julieta Venegas’ “Limon y Sal.”  My students were going to watch the video and number the scenes as they saw them.  However, I threw it out and decided to just pause the video and ask questions.  I asked questionsContinue reading “Movie Talks”

Authentic Resources on Assessments

Like most teachers, I always try to increase my use of authentic resources in the classroom.  One of my favorite ideas I got from the Creative Language Class blog.  (  I display several articles in the target language throughout the classroom.  Students find their vocabulary words and copy down the words in Spanish and English.Continue reading “Authentic Resources on Assessments”