Quick tip for Monday: Weekend chat

quick tip: weekend chat

When students come back to school on Monday, many teachers will do a weekend chat where they discuss what students did over the weekend.  Andrea’s variations are some of my favorites.  This week I changed it up by playing an old game- Great Minds Think Alike.  I would send one student out then ask my class how they thought that student would respond to the question.  For example, I would ask where a student went, what the student ate, where they ate, what movie/tv show they watched, or who they spent time with.  Each student or groups would predict what the student in the hallway would say.  Then, the student would return and give us his or her answer.  This game is a hit with both my seniors and my 8th graders!  You should add this to your routine for Monday.

I wanted to mention a few other events that I am participating in where we can meet and talk shop!  First, we are having TWO edcampmetrodc’s this year!  Our spring edcamp is in two weeks in DC at Kelly Miller Middle School.  We can wear green (March 17th!) together!  Also, I will be attending GWATFL this year at the National Cathedral School on April 28th.  Not only is it a great conference, but going to NCS at spring time is just gorgeous!

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