Online and printable activities for extended closings

Whew! That was a week. It was definitely difficult. I am sure that my week mirrored your week. I was dealing with making plans for my own students and then BAM! My son’s school decided to cancel for Friday. At 11:30 PM. After telling us earlier in the evening that they wouldn’t cancel on Friday. I am lucky that my own school had their after care open, and my head of school is amazing and welcomed my son- and personally checked on him as well. But still. That stress is real. I want to share as much as I can while still making sure that I am serving my own students and helping as many teachers as I can.

My older post is good for general guidelines, but I wanted to share a separate page that was just a dumping place for resources. I will share it now, and update it when I have a chance (and find more resources- HA!)

First, here are some other resources that I have found from various people:

  • Edited to add: Martina and I have been working on making three free coronavirus articles in El Mundo en Tus Manos. This also has activities to do online like Quizziz and EdPuzzle.
  • @profehyman shared this choice board online that is a compilation of a few different ones. This is appropriate for middle school and has a mixture of online and offline activities.
  • Leslie Grahn shared this choice board that is not language specific! It also doesn’t require any paid subscriptions or teacher prep.
  • Noemi also shared this generic reading log last week on my blog post. I moved it here to the collection.
  • Señor Wooly is also working on some resources and offering a free PRO subscription as well.
  • Julie also shared some great activities for younger students! I know my colleague who teaches second grade is using some of her ideas.
  • Emily shared some great ideas for continuing to work on the interpretive mode.

For my early childhood (prek/kindergarten and first grade) students, I included these books that I had already made. I plan on making a video for them to watch to make sure that they can do them together.

For my third and fourth grade students, I gave them an edition of Qué Tal magazine and a copy of the new FVR book from the Señor Wooly website for Diego. Then, I made this choice board for them.

I shared this on the last post- but in case you missed it, I organized my EdPuzzle videos by level and theme for both middle and high school.

If you have access to PearDeck to assign students:

For a couple of interpretive reading activities, I used Google Drawings. It can be leveled as well.

5 thoughts on “Online and printable activities for extended closings

  1. Thank you y muchísimas gracias! While my school district has told us we are not allowed to require students to complete work, offering them some options such as the EdPuzzles you shared are very helpful.

    > El mar. 14, 2020, a la(s) 7:14 a. m., Maris Hawkins escribió: > >  >

    1. Also, I would say keep sharing if students are at home. Initially, it will be fun to watch a ton of TV or play video games, but as that gets old, they will probably be more interested in something different!

  2. Thank you for all your helpful info! I was unable to open the Ed puzzle link. Is there anyway you could share the link with me please?

    Sent from Candice’s iPhone


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