July favorites

Happy July! This summer seems to be flying by faster than in the past. I was lucky to get away to South Carolina with my extended family- I think we had 30 people in total together! Then, we ran another EdCampCIVa– which we extended to two days. I was so grateful to everyone who came to EdCamp! The two days allowed for deeper conversations. One of the biggest benefits to edcamps is that it allows teachers to truly talk and connect. This can be extremely challenging at conferences.

While I am in full summer mode and busy playing with my kids, going to the pool and reading all of the books, I have had to break down and make a list of what I wanted to get accomplished this summer. It can seem like we have so much time- but then I have so much that I want to do with this time. Between day trips that I want to take with my family, planned trips and things to get done around the house, it can be a lot! I just added my lists on Google Keep, and I am already feeling better.

I ALSO wanted to pop on here and share a few things that had caught my attention recently.

  • If you follow me on social media, you have likely seen this post- but if not, A.C. Quintero explained why teachers need to stop trying to constantly entertain students. It is a must read.
  • I love summer- and I love this post on why we should slow down for the summer.
  • If you are interested in a new book series- I am loving A Court of Thorns and Roses series! I started them late spring, and I am still loving them- and telling my friends to all read them. I hadn’t read fantasy before this, didn’t think I would like it, and here I am planning on reading all of the fantasy now!
  • Are you on Threads?! It is a new app through Instagram to mimic Twitter. Honestly, I don’t love it- yet- but it is still early. And I am over Twitter’s changes- including the most recent one to limit the number of tweets you can see (while still pushing random content out!). My username there is marishawkinsblog.
  • Next week, I am headed off to Texas to give a two day workshop– and I cannot be more excited! The registration is open until Tuesday if you want to join us. We will be talking all things assessment, input, output and feedback. Overall, I love giving workshops because of the ideas that people share back with me to expand my own thinking and the strong questions that I get to make me continue to think.
  • If you are farther north- I will be in North Dakota in August! You can send me any questions about either conference.

Keep enjoying your summer! See you in August (or sooner if you are in Texas!)

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